Pre-recorded Video Lectures
MAT 286 Sample Video Lectures (Spring 2022)
Here are embedded Kaltura videos of my pre-recorded video lectures for MAT 286 Life Sciences Calculus II. These videos were recorded for the a week of class when I was not able to teach in-person due to a family emergency.
Section 7.2 Substitution Rule Part 1
Section 7.2 Substitution Rule Part 2
MAT 221 Sample Video Lectures (Summer 2020)
I also include here links to pre-recorded video lectures from my Online MAT 221 Elementary Probability and Statistics I class in Summer 2020. I followed a “flipped classroom” model for this class where short lecture videos by topic were recorded and posted in advance of live class session. I used Blackboard Collaborate Ultra to record videos and hold live class sessions in Summer 2020. PDF of lecture notes corresponding to these videos are in the MAT 221 Teaching Materials section.
· Section 4.5 Contingency Tables:
· Section 6.5 Critical Values and Margin of Error:
Remark: I stop frequently in live class sessions to ask students if they have any questions, comments, or concerns before moving forward. I am aware that there are always better ways of explaining certain ideas or concepts. I do my best to improve my presentation before and after lecture.